The Outsiders

how did ponyboy feel about the church why

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The church gave Ponyboy the creeps. Then he remembered how he used to go to church all the time, but one Sunday he talked Soda and Johnny into going with him. The whole gang showed up, and embarrassed Ponyboy by acting up and drawing attention to themselves.

It was a small church, real old and spooky and spiderwebby. It gave me the creeps.


The Outsiders

While the church is abandoned, he hides there to try and avoid the punishment that may come from having caused the death of Bob in an accidental stabbing. However, once the church catches fire and he realizes that some children are trapped inside, he willingly tries to rescue them until he is overcome by the smoke. He has a complete range of emotions about his entire situation, but ultimately he survives.

Ponyboy felt like he had started the fire and felt like it was his duty if he had and let's be honest he felt good about himself after talking to jerry wood,ponyboy didn't feel like a hood but he felt and has been told he's a hero.


The book and myself