The Most Dangerous Game

What other details in the description of Zaroff’s appearance, home, and habits suggest his concern with living in a civilized manner?

What other details in the description of Zaroff’s appearance, home, and habits suggest his concern with living in a civilized manner?

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From the text:

It was to a huge, beam-ceilinged bedroom with a canopied bed big enough for six men that Rainsford followed the silent giant. Ivan laid out an evening suit, and Rainsford, as he put it on, noticed that it came from a London tailor who ordinarily cut and sewed for none below the rank of duke.

They were eating borsch, the rich, red soup with whipped cream so dear to Russian palates. Half apologetically General Zaroff said, "We do our best to preserve the amenities of civilization here. Please forgive any lapses. We are well off the beaten track, you know. Do you think the champagne has suffered from its long ocean trip?"

The general took from his pocket a gold cigarette case and offered his guest a long black cigarette with a silver tip; it was perfumed and gave off a smell like incense.

General Zaroff did not appear until luncheon. He was dressed faultlessly in the tweeds of a country squire.
He was solicitous about the state of Rainsford's health.


The Most Dangerous Game