The Marrow Thieves

What is the story of the Rogarou?


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The Rogaru is “a dog that haunts the half-breeds but keeps the girls from going on the roads at night where the men travel.” The character in the story is drawing water by the river when she sees a Rogarou. It is black, too big to be a dog, and breathes like a man rather than panting like a canine. The character throws her heavy water dipper at the beast’s nose. When he bleeds, the beast sheds his fur and becomes a tall, naked man with an unsettling “hunger” in his eyes. At first the woman uses the dipper, then a switch, to attack the beastly man. But over the years, as the two “become more like man and wife,” they tire of tools and bite each other. “When I bring the blood, he brings the man. And mother and grand-mère and Catholic are all erased and I am just a woman.”

