The Marrow Thieves

What citation in the book and WHY, would describe the theme importance of family and home?

Thanks reply ASAP!

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"I really need you to trust me on this. This is our home. They can't just come in here and do what they like. Now, I'm not sure what all of this is really about, but that stuff we heard? Miigwans, that's just too ridiculous to be true."

Isaac, p. 167-8

As the Recruiters bust open their door, Isaac still believes that the rumors about the schools are false, and that he will be able to reason with the agents of the Canadian Government. Miig, whose family passed down tales of the abuses of the old boarding schools, knows that this is not the case. Throughout The Marrow Thieves, author Cherie Dimaline uses characterization to explore the way different characters and groups respond to persecution and violence. Isaac, as well as French's father and the Council, believe there is still hope for dialogue and reason. Miig's group, and later, the resistance group in Espanola, believe dialogue is impossible. They arm and train themselves to actively defend their communities and save people from the schools. And Travis and Lincoln ally themselves with the Recruiters for their own personal survival and benefit.