The Marrow Thieves

What are some quotes the characters say that are related the climate change. Pls explain the quote.

what are some quotes the characters say that are related the climate change. pls explain the quote

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Mitch was smiling so big his back teeth shone in the soft light of the solar-powered lamp we’d scavenged from someone’s shed. “Check it out.” He held a bag of Doritos between us—a big bag, too. “Holy, Mitch! Where’d you get that?” I touched the air-pressurized bag to confirm it was real. My dirty fingers skittered across the shiny surface like skates. It was real. My mouth filled with spit, and a rotten hole in one of my molars yelled its displeasure. French (in narration), p. 12

Dimaline uses dark, apocalyptic imagery and an anxious, devastated mood to establish the novel’s setting in a future world destroyed by climate change and contamination. This world is so altered that for Frenchie and Mitch, finding a bag of Doritos is a very special event. Dimaline highlights this by using similes to compare the experience of the Doritos to events that are commonly exciting for children in our world: ice skating and fireworks.

