The Marrow Thieves

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Miig and the family meet up with the strangers, Travis and Lincoln, in the woods. They are reluctant to trust them and tensions run high as they share a campfire and meal. Travis describes that there is a movement building by the town of Espanola,and says, “They haven’t been hauled in yet. But it’s only a matter of time before the schools take care of the easy pickings and go after the ones putting up a fight.” Lincoln adds, “They’re up there acting like frigging woodland wizards..It’s stupid is what it is. Time’s a wasting. You either run or you find ways to fit in and get by. Ain’t no use in holding on to ways that are dead. It just brings death closer.” Miig is irritated by the perspective that Lincoln expressed, and replies, “And what other ways could we fit in? Isn’t running towards something other than this all we have?...or am I missing something?” This conversation reveals that there is a core value, or fundamental belief that these two men do not share. What is this fundamental belief and who do your beliefs align most closely with: Miig or Lincoln? Why?

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This is asking for your opinion rather than mine. I tend to agree with Miig. Being slaves in a dominant culture is no way to live. This needs your opinion though.