The Marrow Thieves

Question is down below:

In this chapter, we learn about Wab’s mother’s substance abuse. Wab describes that first, her mother turned to alcohol, then “she’d started smoking crack, which was plentiful, to replace the booze, which was scarce” (85). Wab says that her mother didn’t care about the new wound on Wab’s face or the way she had been mistreated, because she only cared about getting her next drug fix. Do you think she is right that her mother didn’t care, or was her mother’s situation more complicated than that? Why do you think her mother abused alcohol and drugs? How do you think Wab avoids turning to alcohol and drugs like her mother? What were her coping strategies? What are some positive activities that you have engaged in to cope with or take your mind off a difficult situation?

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Last updated by Aslan
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This is just a short-answer space and you have a lot of questions here. Some of your questions want your personal opinion. Wab's mother had a disease which is addiction. People don't think logically when they are addicted to something. Chances are Wab's mother really did care but the ache of addiction was too strong to consider anything else other than her next fix. Wab uses his mother as a cautionary tale to avoid substance abuse.