The Marrow Thieves

Question is down below:

On page 49, Frenchie debates shooting the moose he encounters on their hunting expedition. Summarize this debate. Ultimately, Frenchie decides not to shoot the moose. What might this decision not to kill the moose illustrate about Frenchie’s character? When he is returning to the group, he explains that he “swung between peace with my decision and wrenching regret. I was empty-handed, but something in my chest was burning a little brighter. I was okay with my decision, but not okay with the consequences” (50). What does Frenchie mean when he says that his chest burned a little brighter when he thinks about letting the moose go? Have you ever had to make a difficult personal decision? How did you make the decision, and how did you feel after making it? Do you think that there will always be some regret about the path you didn’t choose to take?

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