The Marrow Thieves

Question is down below:

On page 26, RiRi asks Frenchie to tell her stories because, according to French, she is “desperate for some understanding, the understanding that was withheld from her youth so that she could form into a real human before she understood that some saw her as little more than a crop” (26). Explain what Frenchie is talking about when he says that they [Indigenous people] are like a crop. Is this idea true, that children/youth are too young to learn the truth about their lives? When might be an appropriate age to start learning about this? Can you relate to this: is there anything that has been kept from you because you were too young?

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Aboriginal peoples tend to be rooted in oral history. Identity and purpose are borne out of myths and legends from long ago. These stories provide growth and direction for characters like Riri. You need to consider the personal questions for yourself.