The Marrow Thieves

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Frenchie says, “In a way, I got that Moose” (52). What happens between Frenchie and the Moose in the dream he describes? in chapter “A Plague of Madness”

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Even though Frenchie decides not to kill the moose, “[i]n a way, I got that moose” because “[h]e visited me in my dreams.” In this way, the moose comes to symbolize a respectful relationship with nature. Frenchie feels it would be unjust to kill this grand animal only to waste a large portion of its meat. He chooses to respect nature rather than waste its resources. In so doing, he chooses to be different from those—like the Recruiters—who extract resources from the land and from Native peoples in a short-sighted, destructive manner. As a result of his respectful decision, Frenchie “gets” the moose in a different way, since the animal visits him in his dreams, perhaps to share insights.