The Marrow Thieves

“I decided then that if I was going to die, I wasn’t going to sit there and wait for the truancy d**** to come get me. I’d die fighting wild animals, or swan diving from one of these pines, or of starvation half buried in the drying earth like a partially

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cremated corpse floating down the old Ganges, before the Ganges became a footpath for heartbroken pilgrims” (13). Why do you think it is so important to Frenchie that he not die at the hands of the recruiters, but that he fight and maybe die on his own terms? What are your thoughts on Frenchie’s perspective? Can you understand/relate to this desire?

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Frenchie didn't want to die feeling like a slave. He wanted to die fighting, much like animals do in the wild. Frenchie wanted to die on his own terms rather than the terms of white oppressors.