The Marrow Thieves

How does this quote show dehumanization?

“The world’s edges had been clipped by the rising waters, tectonic shifts, and constant rains. Half the population was lost in the disaster and from the disease that spread from too many corpses and not enough graves. The ones that were left were no better off, really. They worked longer hours, they stopped reproducing without the doctors, and worst of all, they stopped dreaming. Families, loved ones, were torn apart in this new world” (Dimaline 28)

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I'm not quite sure I would use this quote as support for dehumanization. The world has gone through a horrific change, disaster has completely changed the lives of everyone. Disease is a human disaster, the necessity for hard work is a human condition, physical changes that result from illness and disease effect everyone..... and hopelessness in the face of adversity is a human response.