The Marrow Thieves


In your own words, describe what happens to each member of the group in this chapter.

What did Travis and Lincoln end up being? Why is this worse in Frenchie’s eyes?

Who does Frenchie go running after on pg. 133? Why is the choice of words significant?

Did Frenchie do the right thing at the end of the chapter? Why or why not? Answer in proper paragraph format with 2 PPAs.

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n your own words, describe what happens to each member of the group in this chapter.

In Chapter 15, “The Way it All Changed,” Miig had his group set up camp a short distance away. They go to bed with plans for setting up watches throughout the night. French says that they are never sure how Travis and Lincoln managed to sneak up on them when there should have been someone on guard duty, and they could never bear look back to decide who was at fault. When French emerges from his tent, Lincoln is holding RiRi off the ground. She cannot breath. Travis urges Lincoln to put her down, pointing out that the Recruiters will not pay for dead Native Americans. French is horrified, knowing that he had been lulled by the fact that Travis and Lincoln are also Native American. Lincoln adjusts his hold on RiRi and Chi-Boy uses the distraction to stab Travis in the leg. Lincoln begins to run, carrying RiRi. Some of the group rushes to follow Lincoln and RiRi while others tie up Travis. When French catches up with the group chasing Lincoln, he discovers there are only three there. French urges the others to help him find RiRi, but they refuse to help and he eventually discovers that Lincoln had run off a cliff, taking himself and RiRi to their deaths. French sees one of RiRi's pink boots on the edge of the cliff. That empty boot makes French understand what happened. He rushes back to camp. Travis correctly guesses that Lincoln killed RiRi, and curses him for continuing to use drugs. Travis offers to help French and the others escape “the white boys,” and Tree points out that Travis is tied up and cannot go anywhere. French shoots him, killing him immediately.

Please submit each of your questions one at a time. Thanks!