The Marrow Thieves


What precautions does Miig take before meeting the strangers? Why do you think he takes these precautions?

What does RiRi hope for? Why?

What evidence is there that the strangers aren’t concerned about the same things the group is?

Once again, Slopper provides comedic relief in a tense chapter. What does he do that is funny?

Find Espanola on a map. How far away are they from Toronto?

What does Miig say is happening in Espanola? Why would that be important to Frenchie?

“We didn’t know that he was an animal we had yet to imagine could exist”. What does Frenchie mean by this? What do you predict will happen?

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Last updated by Afreen S #1212232
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What precautions does Miig take before meeting the strangers? Why do you think he takes these precautions?

Chapter 14 is titled “The Other Indians.” They arrive at the camp of the two men, who do not seem to be trying to hide from Recruiters. The two men introduce themselves as Native Americans named Travis and Lincoln. They offer to share their meal of bread and venison stew. Wab obviously recognizes the men. Miig accepts their offer of food. Chi-Boy leaves the camp site and French follows, knowing he will be scouting the area. They talk briefly and agree that one of the men recognized Wab. They decide they will be vigilant while they are together.

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