The Lightning Thief

What does Luke tell Percy through Iris-Messaging? Why does Percy withhold this information from his friends?


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Annebeth uses a water spray gun to make a rainbow because Iris sometimes provides messages in the rainbow for half-bloods. It is sort of like texting, except with rainbows. Iris messages a picture of Luke with a bronze sword. All of them are standing on the porch of the Big House. Luke is asking how they are and says they have issues with campers. There is supposed to be a standoff between Zeus and Poseidon and this tension is reflected in the camp.

that did not answer my question



I believe that Luke tells Percy about how he thinks that there is a spy/traitor in camp. Percy does not tell Annabeth and Grover this because he does not want to worry them.

someone from brainly under the name of zoeastrid