The Jungle
The Jungle for history
Look at the first excerpt. Describe what Sinclair called “Bubbly Creek.”
How does Sinclair describe the hands of the men who worked in the “pickle room”?
According to Sinclair, what was the “special disease” of those who worked in the “chilling rooms”? What was the “time limit a man could work in the chilling rooms”?
Speculate as to why men might have continued working in the packing houses under such conditions. Why do you think they didn’t seek other employment, or seek to unionize at this point?
Next, look at the second excerpt. How does Sinclair describe how “rejected sausage from Europe” would be used?
How does Sinclair describe the meat that “tumbled onto the floor”?
How did Sinclair describe how meat could become contaminated by rats?
What does Sinclair say regarding cleaning the waste barrels? Describe what was often in the barrels. What would happen with the materials from the barrels?
Do you think that after publication of The Jungle meat-packing companies would have been willing to eliminate the problems Sinclair wrote about? Why or why not?
Do you think Sinclair’s descriptions of the conditions in the meat-packing plants were exaggerated or sensationalistic? In your opinion, would The Jungle have been as effective if Sinclair had hit the public’s “heart” instead of its “stomach”? Explain.