The Hobbit
Who/what are the goblins? What do they add to this story?
Describe them thoroughly and assess what their song reveals.
Describe them thoroughly and assess what their song reveals.
The goblins were a tiny breed of the Orcs; they have black blood, and they look slimy to touch....... also, they are no bigger than hobbits.
This song reveals how much the goblins hate the dwarves; "So dwarves shall die, and light the night for our delight..... They're also a little blood thirsty!
Goblins's nasty song:
"Fifteen birds in five firtrees,
their feathers were fanned in a fiery breeze!
But, funny little birds, they had no wings!
O what shall we do with the funny little things?
Roast'em alive, or stew them in a pot;
fry them, boil them and eat them hot?
Burn, burn tree and fern!
Shrivel and scorch! A fizzling torch
To light the night for our delight,
Ya hey!
Bake and toast'em, fry and roast'em!
till beards blaze, and eyes glaze;
till hair smells and skins crack,
fat melts, and bones black
in cinders lie
beneath the sky!
So dwarves shall die,
and light the night for our delight,
Ya hey!
The Hobbit
Goblins are usually portrayed as half the size of a human with long slender fingers usually holding a grudge and have magical abilities. Usually goblins are either coloured pale brown or green. They are blood thirsty mean faced killers, and are very protective of possessions and greedy.