The Door in the Wall

What would a major conflict be in the 2nd half of the story?

Arethere any major conflicts that could impact the story greatly in the 2nd half of the book.

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At one point, they take a wrong turn and are unable to find the White Swan Inn by nightfall, so instead, they sleep outside. The following day, they find an inn called the White Hart; although they do not like the look of the place, they decide to stay there overnight anyway. Robin overhears two ruffians plotting to rob them as they sleep. He wakes Luke and John to warn them; they throw Brother Luke's cloak from the window and secure it so that they can climb down and escape without the thieves seeing them. The ruffians see what they have done and try to chase them, to no avail. The trio runs to a granary on the outskirts of the village they sleep for the remaining hours of the night.