The Devil's Arithmetic

In the movie, The Devil's Arithmetic, why did the girl ask to borrow a belt?

the movie

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I'm sorry, this is a short-answer literature forum desgined for text specific questions. We are unable to answer questions about film unless otherwise noted in the category.

In the screenplay, the young woman asks to borrow a belt in order to make her stomach appear smaller...... to hide her pregnancy and keep her unborn child safe.

How will we going to take care of our children? Mamma! I'm so afraid. I must make myself look smaller. Mendel, would you be kind and let me have your belt? What will keep... my pants up? I'll freeze 'till death. Excuse me. Don't tell Esther. She gave it to me for a birthday present. I must keep my baby alive. For Nathan.

The Devil's Arithmetic, Script-O-Rama