The Devil and Tom Walker

What kinds of things did Tom start doing (hypocritically) when he realized maybe he shouldn’t have done what he did?

thats what im looking for

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As he grows older, though, Tom begins to think about his life a bit more, and realizes that while he has enjoyed great pleasure in this life, because of what he's done he might not have the same luxury in the next life. Even though it was part of the bargain he made with Old Scratch, he decides to try and cheat himself out of the conditions and begins a life of religious zeal. He attends church more than anyone else, prays incessantly, and keeps a huge Bible in his home. Tom becomes as known for this as he had been known before for his riches.

Despite his efforts, though, Tom has a lingering feeling that the Old Scratch, the devil, will return to claim him. He keeps a Bible in his coat pocket at all times so as not to be caught unawares. He does not, however, mend his bad business practices, and continues to extort money from poor speculators. Legend has it that, assuming the world would be turned upside down when the devil came for him, he saddled and buried his horse with its feet sticking up so that he'd be able to try and ride away from Old Scratch. This has not been confirmed, however.

