The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

Christopher Boone’s character is well developed very early in the story, but up to this point in the novel, Christopher’s father, Ed Boone, becomes a well-developed character as well. Present how Mr. Boone is characterized.

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Ed Boone, Christopher's father, works in the boiler business. He is the sole caregiver of Christopher, and has been since Christopher's mother died, two years before the start of the novel. Christopher's father looks after Christopher, knows all his habits, and understands the way Christopher works, but when he finds out that his son is trying to solve who killed Mrs. Shears' dog he becomes unusually angry and impatient. We learn that he killed the dog and that he lied about Christopher's mother being dead, and this prompts Christopher to leave home and make his first journey alone.


The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time