The Color Purple
In Section 1, where does Celie find the strength to survive the misery that is her life?
In Section 1, where does Celie find the strength to survive the
misery that is her life?
In Section 1, where does Celie find the strength to survive the
misery that is her life?
I think she survives through writing and her belief in God. As the narrative perspective shifts and develops, so too does Celie's view of God. When Celie writes her first letter to God, we have a very limited idea of what she means by God. At first, God is an abstract, authoritative, and dependable figure to whom Celie can share herself. White white skin and a white beard, he will be there for Celie as long as she believes in him. When Celie tells Shug that she will stop writing to God because he does not listen, Shug teaches her something highly significant. Shug does not tell her to imagine a black God instead, nor does Shug simply tell Celie to keep believing anyway because God will return in the way she remembers him. Rather, Shug tells Celie to feel loved by God by being herself.