The Chrysalids
What is David’s curious understanding with Rosalind?
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
David and Rosalind agreed that they would never discuss their dreams with other people.
She shook her head, and told me that there was no such place — not now. But, perhaps, she suggested, I could somehow be dreaming about times long ago. Dreams were funny things, and there was no accounting for them; so it might be that what I was seeing was a bit of the world as it had been once upon a time — the wonderful world that the Old People had lived in; as it had been before God sent Tribulation.
But after that she went on to warn me very seriously not to mention it to anyone else; other people, as far as she knew, did not have such pictures in their heads, either sleeping or waking, so it would be unwise to mention them.
The Crysallids