The Catcher in the Rye

Why is Holden left on his own when he finds out about Allies death?

Why is Holden left on his own when he finds out about Allies death? Why does he break windows and why are his parents never there for him? surely they would be together as a family and his parents would have constant contact whilst he's at boarding school

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Allie is the one person (besides his sister) that Holden felt connected to. He was Holden's ideal, and Holden's fondest memories revolve around the love he bore him. Holden's parents shut down, and they weren't there for him. He broke all of the windows in grief and frustration.... and because he needed moral support. Holden is sent away to school because his parents simply can't deal with the entire situation. 


Catcher in the Rye