The Canterbury Tales

what is chaucer's overall characterization of the Reeve

I need to know how Chaucer characterized them and what he thought of them.

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The narrator notes that Oswald the Reeve alone is angry because he was a carpenter, like John, the butt of the joke in the Miller’s Tale. The Reeve then speaks, claiming that, despite his age, he still cunning, and that the qualities of boasting, lying, anger and greed pertain particularly to the elderly. The Host interrupts this rather bitter monologue, pushing the Reeve to tell his tale if he is to speak at all. The Reeve then promises to “answere” and to some extent “sette [the Miller’s] howve” (“set his hood” – make a fool out of him). The Miller has scornfully told a tale, the Reeve continues, about how a carpenter was tricked. The Reeve resolves to “quit” the Miller’s Tale.

