The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

According to Chewa customs, daughters do not eat with their fathers and sons do not eat with their mothers. In fact, they eat in separate rooms. In addition, daughters never hug their fathers and sons never hug their mothers. Such behavior would be consi

According to Chewa customs, daughters do not eat with their fathers and sons do not eat with their mothers. In fact, they eat in separate rooms. In addition, daughters never hug their fathers and sons never hug their mothers. Such behavior would be considered immoral. Nevertheless, because of the famine and the need to save kerosene and make the most of the little food that was available, the whole family ate together for the first time. Can you think of any changes of customs that your family had to implement in order to respond to an economic or political condition? Do you think that once these changes are made – even as temporary measures – they may end up being permanent changes?

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