The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Why isn’t Bruno afraid of Lieutenant Kotler at first? Use evidence from the text to support your response.

I'm doing a StudySync and it just shows chapter fifteen and I can't figure out this question.

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Bruno isn't afraid because Kotler is under his father's command. He sees him as a nuisance and a bully, but he isn't afraid. In Chapter Fifteen, Bruno makes several comments about his reasons for disliking Kotler, but fear hasn't yet come into play.

'All set for the party, are we?' he asked.
'Well, I am,' said Bruno, who had been spending more time with Gretel lately and had developed a liking for sarcasm. 'I can't speak for you.'
'There'll be a lot of people here,' said Lieutenant Koder, breathing in heavily and looking around as if this were his house and not Bruno's. 'We'll be on your best behaviour, won't we?'
'Well, I'll be,' said Bruno. 'I can't speak for you.'
'You've a lot to say for such a little man,' said Lieutenant Kotler.
Bruno narrowed his eyes and wished he were taller, stronger and eight years older. A ball of anger exploded inside him and made him wish that he had the courage to say exactly what he wanted to say. It was one thing, he decided, to be told what to do by Mother and Father - that was perfectly reasonable and to be expected - but it was another thing entirely to be told what to do by someone else. Even by someone with a fancy title like 'Lieutenant'.


The Boy in the Striped Pajamas