The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

What ideas does Twain get across in the Boggs-Sherburn incident?

In the book the adventures of Huckleberry Finn chapters 20-24

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In this section, Twain provides commentary on human nature, as he presents a scathing portrayal of society. The author's 'version' of Shakespeare, as depicted in Boggs's death, Jim's feelings about his family, and the Royal Nonesuch all seek to provoke the reader into analyzing society's foolishness. Huck assists in this by adding commentary that brings Twain's critiques into sharper focus....Boggs's death focuses the reader's attention on a much more serious aspect of the society. He is shot to death in front of a mob of people, which includes his daughter. Bogg's disrespect of Colonel Sherburn was blatantm but it was hardly an act that justified the man's murder.


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn