The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

What does the shoe print in the snow mean to Huck, and what decision does he make about his money? (CH 1-6)

What does the shoe print in the snow mean to Huck, and what decision does he make about his money?

(CH 1-6)

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One morning after breakfast, Huck leaves the house and notices boot prints in the fresh snow. Upon closer inspection he realizes that there is a cross on the left boot-heel, which he has only ever seen in his Pap's. Huck's Pap has returned.

Aware that Pap is probably after his money (the $6,000 that he got from sharing the treasure with Tom), Huck goes to Judge Thatcher and begs the Judge to take all his money as a gift. The Judge is quite surprised by the request, but when Huck refuses to reveal why he wants to give away his money, Judge Thatcher agrees to "buy" it for one dollar, saying he will take the money "for a consideration."
