The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

In chapters 32-43

  1. Critics have complained that the rescue at Phelps farm is rife with coincidence and is overall problematic to the rest of the work. What do you see the problems this section presents to readers? Does this section change your view of the main characters moral development? If so, how? How has Tom Sawyer's instance of regulations for escape forced him into the role of the colonizer, Huck into the role of the agent of the colonizer, and Jim into the role of the colonized/oppressed?
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This really is an opinion question and too involved for this short forum space.

Yes, Tom Sawyer insistence on regulation for escape makes him a colonizer, Huck, an agent of Colonizer and Jim as colonized. Just like the colonizer Tom is imflicting his ideas and ways upon Jim and just like the colonizer he justifies it by saying that he is just doing what are written in the book and nothing beyond it. He is making Jim do whatever he wishes and acknowledges it saying that it will make him famous. Huck, inorder to maintain his friendship with Tom stays quite even if he feels that Tom's ideas and actions are not justifiable. He did not respond or react but acts according to Tom's plan which makes him the agent of colonizer. Jim just follows what Tom says and feels that it will make him famous, which is colonized attitude to stay quite hopping that what is being inflicted upon them is good for them.


1.Twain, Mark. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Penguin Classics). Penguin, 2011.