The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Describe the kind of man Huck’s father is. (CH 1-6)

Describe the kind of man Huck’s father is.

(CH 1-6)

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Huck describes Pap as a filthy, poor man who used to scare him a great deal. Pap harasses Huck for wearing good clothes and going to school. He then accuses Huck of putting on airs and acting better than his own father. Pap remarks that no one in his family could ever read, and that he certainly does not want his son to be smarter than he is. When he realizes that Huck is in fact able to read. Pap threatens to beat Huck if he ever catches him near the school again. He takes Huck's money and uses it to go drinking. Pap is a drunk.
