That Was Then, This is Now

chapter 10-11

1. What did Mr. Carlson tell Bryon? How did Bryon feel about it?

2. Bryon said something was getting easier. What was it?

3. What did Bryon find when he looked for Mark's cigarettes? What did he do after he found it?

4. What did Bryon tell Mark when he got home? What was Mark's reaction?

5. What did Bryon's mother say when she heard what had happened?

6. What punishment did Mark receive? Why did the judge give him that punishment?

7. What happened to M&M?

8. What happened to Bryon and Cathy?

9. Describe the last meeting between Bryon and Mark.

10. How did Bryon feel at the end of the story?

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Mr. Carlson tells Bryon that he is so appreciative of everything that he has done for them. He also wants Cathy to be home for her mother to hear the news, and Bryon takes her back. After dropping off Cathy, Bryon goes back home, drained. Please submit these one at a time.