Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus, 7th Edition

Published by Brooks Cole
ISBN 10: 1305071751
ISBN 13: 978-1-30507-175-9

Chapter 1 - Section 1.9 - The Coordinate Plane; Graphs of Equations; Circles - 1.9 Exercises - Page 106: 125


$$B(10, 13)$$

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We have: $M(6, 8)$ $A(2, 3)$ $B(x_2, y_2)$ In general, we know a midpoint formula for point $M$ coordinates of $x$ and $y$, that is between points $A(x_1, y_1)$ and $B(x_2, y_2)$: $$x=\frac{x_1+x_2}{2}$$ $$y=\frac{y_1+y_2}{2}$$ Our only unknown variables are $x_2$ and $y_2$. So we simply input what we know and find the unknown variables. $6=\frac{2+x_2}{2}$ $2+x_2=12$ $x_2=10$ $8=\frac{3+y_2}{2}$ $3+y_2=16$ $y_2=13$ We found the point $B(10, 13)$
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