"The Dictators," a 1950 poem by the Chilean writer Pablo Neruda, explores the power structures, inequalities, and violent conflicts in an unnamed dictatorship. It depicts ordinary individuals' suffering and death, juxtaposing these horrific scenes...

A Mask Presented at Ludlow Castle is a masque written by English poet John Milton and performed in 1634. Now known simply as Comus after the play's antagonist, the masque was originally performed on Michaelmas—a feast celebrating the archangel...

“Eat Drink Man Woman” is a Taiwanese comedy movie that revolves around a family dealing with daily life and drama that comes with it. The title of the movie is a reference to one of Confucius teachings about the acceptance of the human natural...

"Ode to a Large Tuna in the Market" is a 1957 poem by the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, describing the encounter between a human speaker and a dead tuna at a vegetable market. The speaker addresses the tuna with a blend of awe and sadness, describing...

John Donne is so widely quoted that he ranks near the top of the canon of well-known authors, not far behind his near contemporary, William Shakespeare. Perhaps his best-known line, from Meditation 17 in Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, a prose...

For almost the first decade of its existence, Gregory Maguire’s novel Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West was like a precious little secret treasure held dearly by those in the know. Fans of the novel tended to be...

Neverwhere is a novel by the famous author Neil Gaiman, and what is interesting about it is that it was written and published as a companion to a TV series. A few episodes into the show of the same name, the author decided to publish the novel,...

Magic's Price is an epic fantasy novel by American author Mercedes Lackey. It is the third and final novel in the Valdemar: The Last Herald Mage series and eighth in the Valdemar universe. It was published in 1990 by DAW books. A magical and...

Magic's Promise is an epic fantasy novel by American author Mercedes Lackey. It is the second novel in the Valdemar: The Last Herald Mage series and seventh in the Valdemar universe. It was published in 1990 by DAW books. A young-adult, romantic...

Magic’s Pawn is the first novel in a series called The Last Herald’s Mage. The novel centers around a Herald called Vanyel in the kingdom of Valdemar. A Herald mage is an individual possessing extraordinary psychic and magical abilities and...

The Dream House is one of South African novelist and playwright Craig Higginson's most popular novels. Published in 2015, it was adapted from a play of his entitled The Dream of the Dog (2010).

Higginson began writing the outline of a novel in...

Interior Chinatown (2020) is the second novel by American writer Charles Yu. It is the story of Willis Wu, a young Asian actor stuck playing two-dimensional caricatures like "Oriental Guy Making a Weird Face" and "Silent Henchman." Wu aspires to...

Bewilderment is a contemporary novel by American novelist Richard Powers. Published by W. W. Norton & Company in 2021, it is Powers' thirteenth book and a follow up to his 2018 novel The Overstory that won the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction....

The Souvenir Museum is a collection of short stories by the award-winning author Elizabeth McCracken. The stories are of a contemporary genre, and each story deals with some real-life struggle in a witty way. All the characters have come to a...

Intimacies is a novel by American author Katie Kitamura. It was published in August 2021 after Jonathan Cape acquired the rights in February of the same year. It is her fourth novel after A Separation (2017) and both share a similar tone in terms...

Abundance is a contemporary novel by American author Jakob Guanzon. Published in 2021 by Graywolf Press, it is Guanzon's debut novel. It explores social menaces in the United States like poverty, wealth inequality, justice system, drug trade,...

Written by an award-winning author, Zorrie follows a young American girl called Zorrie Underwood, who has suffered a great deal in her life. She lost both her parents to an illness, and after an aunt, who was like a mother to her, passed, Zorrie...