Half a Life is a novel written by V.S. Naipaul in 2001. The novel revolves around the story of Willie Somerset Chandran, whose father is a Brahmin from the Hindu caste system and his mother a Dalit. Willie's middle name 'Somerset' comes from the...

Published in 1955 and initially dismissed by critics and audiences, Pedro Páramo has since established itself as the precursor to a new phase of Latin American writing, as well as a superlative example of modernism in contemporary literature.


Some may question why the greatest director of Westerns in Hollywood history was not the man that made the greatest Western in Hollywood history. The answer is surprisingly simple: John Ford’s most memorable films reveal how the settling of the...

The Maze Runner is the first book in a dystopian science-fiction trilogy aimed at the young adult reader. The story follows Thomas, a teenage boy, who awakens in an elevator with no memory of the past except his own name. When the doors open he...

Tartuffe, first performed as a three-act play before King Louis XIV in 1664, and then in its official five-act version in 1669, is perhaps Moliere’s greatest accomplishment. Its piercing commentary on hypocrisy and impiety, its light-hearted wit...

The Robbers is a play published in 1781 by the German playwright Friedrich Schiller. It is considered as being a very important play because it embodies the principles of the Sturm und Drang movement in Germany. The play became popular very fast...

"The Gambler" is the world-famous novel by Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky, first published in 1866.

In 1863, Fyodor Dostoyevsky came to rest in Wiesbaden. There in a few days he lost all his money gambling. To get out of debt, he signed a...

Little Brother is a science-fiction novel that was published by Tor Books on April 29, 2008; it was written by the author Cory Doctorow. The story follows a group of teens during and after a terrorist attack on San Francisco, California. It...

Randy Pausch had a good life. He was the happily married father of 3 young children and had a highly successful career as a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon. He was universally beloved and, according to those who knew him well,...