The New Organon (often referred to by its Latin title Novum Organum) was published by Francis Bacon in 1620 and if often referred to as his single most influential literary work. In form, it is a philosophical treatise in two parts: the first...

Belinda is a book written by Maria Edgeworth in 1801. The story revolves around a young woman called Belinda, who lives with her aunt, Mrs. Stanhope. Belinda is sent to live with Lady Delacour and Belinda is fascinated by her. The first part of...

Blowback (The Costs and Consequences of American Empire) was written by American author Chalmers Johnson. It was first published during 2000 and was later published during 2004 by Holt Paperbacks. Between 1967 and 1973, Johnson was a consultant...

The School for Good and Evil is the first novel in a series of Young Adult fantasy fiction by Soman Chainani. The series commenced with its publication in 2013 followed by

2014: A World without Princes

2015: The Last Ever After

2017: Quests for...

The Adventures of Caleb Williams is a three-part volume of books written by William Godwin on 12 May 1794. The publishing date was specifically chosen by Godwin due to the fact that on the very same day that Prime Minister William Pitt suspended...

The Little White Bird is a novel by British author J.M. Barrie which spans fantasy and whimsy to social commentary with dark, aggressive undertones. The book reached prominence and longevity primarily due to the introduction of a character called...

An Australian-born poet who lived much of his life in Great Britain, Peter Porter stands among the greats in the pantheon of 20th and 21st century Australian literature. Enviably intellectual, Porter's interests ranged from history to philosophy...

Murder, My Sweet is a 1944 film noir directed by Edward Dmytryk. It was based on Raymond Chandler's 1949 novel "Farewell My Lovely" and was released in the United Kingdom with this title but although the film was first screened in Minneapolis as...

The Piano is a 1993 drama film written and directed by Jane Campion and starring Holly Hunter, Harvey Keitel, Sam Neill, and Anna Paquin. The story, which takes place in New Zealand, focuses around a mute piano player and her daughter.

The two...

Head-On is a 2004 film by German filmmakers Fatih Akin, who is of Turkish descent. The film centers on Sibel and Cahit, and Sibel's threatening to take her life in order to get Cahit to marry her so that she can live out her dream life which...

Spies is a psychological novel written by novelist and playwright Micheal Frayn. It was published in 2002 and received the Whitbread Novel of the Year Award, the 2002 Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize and the Commonwealth Writers Prize for Best...