A Rumor of War is Philip Caputo’s 1977 memoir focused on his experiences during the Vietnam War. Caputo serves as a Marine Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps and was a member of the “first ground combat unit deployed to Vietnam.” His unit reached...

Darren Aronofsky is an American filmmaker born on February 12, 1969 in Brooklyn, New York. After graduating from Edward R. Murrow High School, a school with an arts-focused curriculum, he attended Harvard University to study anthropology and...

Sir Ridley Scott began plannng a prequel to his 1979 blockbuster hit, Alieneven as early as 2000, and discussed the project extensively with James Cameron. Ultimately, though, Alien vs. Predatorbecame the project they worked on, leaving Scott to...

Cloud Atlas was written by British novelist David Mitchell and published in the United Kingdom by Sceptre, an imprint of Hodder and Stoughton in 2004. The novel was released the same year in the United States by Random House.

Cloud Atlas consists...

"Have A Little Faith" is the second non-fiction book written by Mitch Albom, whose first memoir, "Tuesdays With Morrie", was among the the best-selling memoirs of all time. "Have A Little Faith" is the story of an eight year journey undertaken by...

True Grit is a novel written by Charles Portis that was published in 1968. Charles Portis is an American author most known for his Western books. During the Korean War, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps, and when he returned he got a degree in...

W. H. Auden is considered one of the finest English or American poets and one of the best poets of the 20th century. He is an exemplar of modernism along with T. S. Eliot and Ezra Pound, but his later poetry differs vastly from his earlier work;...

The Italian title of a book of Petrarch’s sonnets is "Canzoniere" (literally "Songbook."). The poet worked on it for many years starting in 1336. Its final edition (1373) was entitled in Latin "Rerum vulgarium fragmenta" ("Excerpts in the...

Published in 2008, The Translator: A Tribesman's Memoir of Darfur is a memoir by Daoud Hari that recounts the author's experiences during the genocide in Darfur by the Sudanese government and affiliated militia groups (specifically made up of...

"Quo vadis" is a historical novel written by Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz.

The novel has been written from 1894 to 1896, upon completion of certain parts they were published in the periodical press. In 1896, the novel was released as a...

Nice Work is a novel written by David Lodge in 1988. The story mainly revolves around Robyn Penrose, who is a feminist university lecturer and specializes in women's writing. She meets Vic Wilcox, who is the manager of an engineering firm. The...

“The Letter” is a short story published as part of Somerset Maugham’s 1926 collection, The Casuarina Tree. Like many of Maugham’s tales, this fictional story was inspired by a rea life event. Maugham came to know the details of the murder that...

Of Human Bondage is one of the most famous novels of English writer William Somerset Maugham. The novel was written in 1915. The protagonist – Philip Carey, is an orphan and is born with a lame leg, which makes his life very difficult.

The novel...