The Reivers is a novel written by William Faulkner and published in 1962. Faulkner is one of the most famous writers in American history, having won more than one Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. The Reivers won one of these prizes, in 1963. Faulkner...

The Wicked Day, published in 1983 and by Mary Stewart, is the fourth book of the quintet series. This series depicts a twist on the original King Arthur and Merlin stories. This book tells the story of King Arthur and Mordred, who is actually a...

The Last Enchantment is a fantasy novel written by Mary Stewart in 1979. The story revolves around the reign of Arthur Pendragon of Britain, and the novel is told from the perspective of a clairvoyant and the Wizard Merlin. In the story, Arthur is...

The Hollow Hills by Mary Stewart was published in 1973. As part of the series the Arthurian Legends, it is the sequel to The Crystal Cave. This story, in first person point-of-view from Merlin, tells the story of the birth and taking care of King...

The Crystal Cave is a fantasy novel written by Mary Stewart in 1970. The book mainly focuses on the character of Merlin, from the Arthurian legends, before he became the legendary magician. The Romans have recently left Britain and the kingdom is...

The Friends, by Rosa Guy, is the first book of a trilogy. It was published December 18, 1995, by Laurel Leaf. The other two books are called Ruby and Edith Jackson. The Friends is a novel about a little girl who lived in the sunlit West Indies...

In 1995, Peter Weir was looking for his next project but found every script that crossed his desk to be "either predictable or derivative" (Weinraub). Then, a special project caught his interest - Andrew Niccol's screenplay for The Truman Show,...

No one could imagine that frequent visits to the Detroit zoo might be so inspiring and mesmerizing that some time later that frequent visitor would start working on the series of books about the secret world hidden in the zoo. However, it is true...

One of Zola’s first full-length novels, Thérèse Raquin remains one of his best-known. When he sat down to write the story of Thérèse, her acquaintances, and her descent into murder and suicide, Zola was only twenty-seven years old. In 1866, he had...

Cloudstreet is Australian writer Tim Winton’s fifth novel, published in 1991. Winton wrote the novel in longhand, much of it inside a cafe in Paris. One day he was traveling by bus with his wife and small child and the handwritten manuscript,...

Breaking News (A Stunning and Memorable Account of Reporting from Some of the Most Dangerous Places in the World) was written by author Martin Fletcher. It was published during 2008 by Thomas Dunne Books. Fletcher shares his phenomenal story of...

The Attack is a novel that explores the prospects yet the usual occurrence of the suicide bomber that we see frequently in nowadays's headlines. Its protagonist is Dr. Amin Jaafari, a man of Arab outset who is an incorporated Israeli citizen and...

The Swallows of Kabul is a novel written by Yasmina Khadra. It was published in 2002 and is set in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, when the Taliban was in charge there. There are two main couples in the novel. The first couple is Mohsen, a...

The poems of Muriel Rukeyser link the revolutionary communist poetry of the 1930s to the countercultural feminist poetry of the 1960s. Her last published collection of original was The Gates, four years before her death in 1980. That she managed...

The Stone Gods was written by Jeanette Winterson and published in 2007. It combines components of a romance novel with a post apocalypse work while still touching on the topics of how governments are controlled by large corporations, the damaging...