Song of Roland

Why was the poem written? When was it written?

The song of Roland by Glyn Burgess

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The Song of Roland is an epic poem written somewhere between 1140 and 1170. It would have been written to entertain, as a story of heroic deeds at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass.

Its origin is unknown. Glyn Burgess was responsible for the hard work which went in to the Gradesaver Study Guide; the link for which is below.



The Song of Roland is an epic poem written somewhere between 1140 and 1170. It would have been written to entertain, as a story of heroic deeds at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass.

Its origin is unknown. Glyn Burgess was responsible for the hard work which went in to the Gradesaver Study Guide; the link for which is below.

