
How does allyship relate to the theme of resilience as we see it in the novel? Use a specific example.

Catherine talks about allyship from a ted talk video describing it as something to embody where our actions are rooted in love and equlaity. So how does this relate to resiilience that is seen through the novel and what specific example can you provide that shows this?

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Both children and adults in this novel face innumerable obstacles, whether those are obstacles within or outside their families, part of their social class or racial or gender or sexual identities, legacies of trauma, etc. Not all of them are able to deal with these obstacles in healthy or sustainable ways, but Hernandez presents some characters who ably take on the difficult things in their lives and work towards ameliorating them. Marie, for example, has a son with autism with whom she has never fully been able to communicate, and she desires to connect with this difficult but loved son. She is no saint, and she experiences very human frustration and despair, but she never gives up on him and is eventually able to achieve that communication that she so desired.