Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Why doesn't Jeremy like his siblings?

Chapter 9

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From the text:

Jeremy thought about that. “Well, Lillian Jean’s all right, I guess. She ain’t so persnickety since Cassie stopped bein’ her friend.” He smiled a secret smile to himself. “But that R.W. and Melvin, they ain’t very nice. You oughta see how they treat T.J….” He halted, looked up embarrassed, and was quiet.

Stacey stopped. “How they treat him?”

Jeremy stopped too. “I don’t know,” he said as if he was sorry he had mentioned it. “They just don’t do him right.”


Taylor, Mildred D.. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Puffin Modern Classics) (Logans Book 4) (p. 197). Penguin Young Readers Group. Kindle Edition.
