Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

When Jeremy gives Stacey a whistle what was Mr. Logan's reaction?


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From the text:

'Maybe you did give him something,' said Papa, lighting his pipe.
'No sir, Papa. I ain't never given him nothin' !'
’Not even your friendship!'
'Well ... not really. I mean ... he's a crazy kid and he likes to walk to school with us, but -
'You like him !'
Stacey frowned, thinking. 'I told him I didn't want him walking with us, but he keeps on anyway and the white kids laugh at
him 'cause he do. But he don't seem to let it bother him none... I s'pose I like him all right. Is that wrong?'
'No.' Papa said carefully. 'That ain't wrong.
Actually, he's much easier to get along with than T.J., Stacey went on. 'And I s'pose if I let him, he could be a better friend
than T.J.

Papa's reaction makes us aware of Stacey's true gift to Jeremy.... friendship.


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry