Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

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What is Mrs. Logan’s reaction to the news Miss Crocker brings about her children’s behavior?What does this tell us about her? What does she decide to do with her class’s books, and why do you think she does this?

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When Miss Crocker goes to Mama's classroom, Cassie sees Miss Crocker showing her the book that Little Man broke. Miss Crocker cannot understand why the children got so upset about what was written in the inside cover. Though Mama says that Miss Crocker had the right to punish them for disobeying, she clearly doesn't agree with her. Mama trims brown paper to the size of the page and glues it over the inside covers of her children's books. Miss Crocker is shocked that she would "damage" county property, but Mama says she is going to do it to all the seventh graders' books the next day. Cassie can tell that her mother understands, and sneaks away.