Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

How much does Jeremy care about his friendship with the Logans? How do you find this out?

Why does Stacey keep his distance from Jeremy?

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Jeremy extends his friendship in a variety of ways. He waits to walk with the Logan children, he is kind and conversational, and he even brings Stacey a gift at Christmas. Papa, however, tells Stacey to keep his distance.

Papa took the pipe from his mouth, rubbed his moustache and spoke quietly. ‘Far as I'm concerned, friendship between black and white don't mean that much 'cause it usually ain't on a equal basis. Right now you and Jeremy might get along fine, but in a few years he'll think of himself as a man but you'll probably still be a boy to him. And if he feels that way, he'll turn on you in a minute.'


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry