Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

How does the author paint a picture of spring with the words she uses?

how does she describe them?

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Taylor paints a picture of birth and renewal, fresh blooms and increasing green.... everywhere. She also uses olifactory imagery to present the smells and freshness of the season.

From the text:

Spring. It seeped unseen into the waiting red earth in early March, softening the hard ground for the coming plow and
awakening life that had lain gently sleeping through the cold winter. But by the end of March it was evident every- where: in the barn where three new calves bellowed and chicks the color of soft pale sunlight chirped; in the yard where the wisteria and English dogwood bushes readied themselves for their annual Easter bloom, and the fig tree budded producing the forerunners of juicy, brown fruit for which the boys and I would have to do battle with fig-loving Jack; and in the smell of the earth itself. Rain-drenched, fresh, vital, full of life, spring enveloped all of us.

I was eager to be in the fields again, to feel the furrowed rows of damp, soft earth beneath my feet; eager to walk barefooted through the cool forest, hug the trees, and sit under their protective shadow. But although every living thing knew it was spring, Miss Crocker and the other teachers evidently did not, for school lingered on indefinitely. In the last week of March when Papa and Mr. Morrison began to plow the east field, I volunteered to sacrifice school and help them. My offer was refused and I trudged wearily to school for another week.


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry