Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Chapter Three--1.What was particularly irksome about the white school? 2.Why do the white children taunt Cassie and her friend? 3.What was Stacey's plan for revenge against the whites? 4.How does Stacy's revenge plot work out?


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-The white school gets all the money and nice books. They also get a schhol-bus.

-A Bus passes close to them and forcing them to jump in the slimy, muddy gully to avoid being hit. A furious Little Man tries to throw mud at the schoolbus from which the white children yell "Nigger!" and "Mud eater!" When Jeremy tries to join them walking to school, Stacey ignores him.

-they dig a ditch across the area that fills with gully water and makes it look as if the road washed out from the rain.


the school bus would splash them with mud

the taunt cassie and her brother by calling them mean names