Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Chapter 6: Roll of Thunder Q and A

1. Why doesn’t Big Ma want Cassie to talk about her encounter with the Simms?

2. What does uncle Hammer know about the Simms? How does he react when he hears Cassie’s story? Why does he react this way?

3. Why does Uncle Hammer reference the war twice in this chapter? How does this involve prejudice behavior and his relationship with whites?

4. Read page 94. What do the kids hope that Uncle Hammer did to Mr. Simms? Do you think they recognize what could happen to their uncle if he harmed Mrs. Simms? Explain.

5. Mama says that Cassie grew up a little in Strawberry. How so? Explain.

6. Describe the history of the Logan family. How did they get to the United States? How did they become Christians?

7. According to the text, what do whites think about blacks? Why do they think this? Explain.

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Big Ma wants Cassie to keep quiet about what happened with the Simms in Strawberry because she doesn't want Uncle Hammer to get all riled up and do soemthing foolish. Big Ma wants to keep everyone safe.

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Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry