Robinson Crusoe

Analyse the character of Robinson Crusoe?

Analyse the character of Robinson Crusoe ?

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Crusoe is an adventurer. He rejects familial expectations, as well as the constraints of the English middle class, abandoning them for a life on the high seas. After the wreck, Crusoe must overcome his fear and loneliness. He must gather his inner strength to apply his knowledge and innovation to his survival.

Bravery is not Crusoe's strong suit, but over time, his reason grows sharper, and he is successful at conquering his fears. He conquers the many tasks set before him with deliberation and learns how to make an ax, bake bread, and construct his own elaborate shelter. When faced with marauding cannibals, he attacks them and rescues their captives, and in the end, when he finally returns to London, he once again readjusts and even gets married and has a family.


Robinson Crusoe