Q & A

1. Explain the significance of the passage to the overall story. 2. Identify at least different 2 literary devices in the passage and explain their significance to the overall story.

"The weight and speed of her momentum met him as he tried to hold his balance on the sloping angle and the water rolling gravel beneath his feet, and he staggered backwards and lost his footing and fell beneath her force. And in that instant again, as the story goes, there appeared over the brow of the hill six more huge grey dogs hurtling down towards the gravelled strand. They had never seen him before; and seeing him stretched prone beneath their mother, they misunderstood, like so many armies, the intention of their leader."

(200 - 250 words please) THANKS

As Birds Bring Forth the Sun by Alistair Macleod

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In context, this passage demonstatres the happiness of both the main and dog, as they are reunited at the top of the hill. The dog, overjoyed, tackles her master in an act of affection... her pups, however, misunderstand. Wild, free, and all grown up, the pups perceive their mother's physical reaction as a defense against attack, and in trying to protect her, they kill her former master.


The weight and speed of her momentum met him as he tried to hold his balance on the sloping angle and the water rolling gravel beneath his feet, and he staggered backwards and lost his footing and fell beneath her force.

The author's description makes the reader feel as if they are there.


"they misunderstood, like so many armies, the intention of their leader..."

In comparing the pups' response and attack, the author illustrates the many ways in which things are often misunderstood, that certain reactions of force are not always necessary, though in a split second (in the moment)... they are believed to be.


As Birds Bring Forth the Sun