Purple Hibiscus
what is the significance of father benedict's eyes as being described as " the same green shade of a snake ...?"
purple hibsucw
Asked by
dion c #968031
Last updated by
Asmara H #1039859
purple hibsucw
Father Benedict is the white, British-born head of St. Agnes, the Achike’s church. He is a supportive ally of Papa’s, praising him constantly as one of the pillars of the community. Father Benedict is austere and offers only his view of religion. He is not a nice man and supports Papa's abusive nature.
Father Benedict is a racist disguised as a saint. He reinforces the idea that speaking or singing in igbo at his Parish is unholy and uncivilized (colonial mentality). He restricts the Catholics to recite prayers in Latin, and speak English only.
People of Father Benedict's character have contributed in creating monstors like Papa Eugene, by planting seeds of revering imperialism , and hating african/Igbo culture.